
"My Interest"

Everyone has their own interests, and mine is a topic that I have always been passionate about - music. For me, music is a language that can speak to my heart, evoking feelings and memories that go beyond words.

Since I was young, I have been captivated by the beauty of music. Whether it's classical piano sonatas, soulful jazz standards, or the beat of modern electronic dance music, music has been a source of joy and comfort in my life. It's the soundtracks of my life, accompanying me through joy and sorrow, moments of happiness and times of loneliness.

Listening to music, I find myself lost in the melodies, trying to decipher the hidden meanings behind the notes. I love how music can make me feel emotions that I didn't even know existed, giving me a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me.

Besides listening to music, I also enjoy playing instruments. It's a way for me to express myself creatively and connect with my inner self. Playing the piano or the guitar, I find a sense of fulfillment in creating harmony and melody.

In short, my interest in music is not just about the pleasure of listening or playing it, but also about the deeper meanings it conveys and the connection it has with me as a person. Music has been a source of inspiration and comfort in my life, and I look forward to exploring its many facets as I continue on my musical journey.
