

* 人生在世,最重要的不是胡亂拼搏,而是拼搏的方向。 Direction is more important than haphazard struggle. ——佚名

* 只有拼搏才能變幻想為現實。 To turn dream into reality, struggle is the only way to do so.

* 只需堅持不懈地向上攀登,才幹在最高處讓人仰望。Only by persistently climbing upwards can you become the envy of those below.

* 持續鬥爭是生命的最高真諦。Persistence is the highest truth of life.

* 不怕路遠,就怕志短。不要停止去探索,勇往直前。

* If you aim at nothing, you will hit it often. (伯特·蘭姆)如果你不立下目標,就常常到達目標。

* 生命不止,奮鬥不息。Life goes on and so must we.

* 世界會向那些有目標和遠見的人讓步。The world bows to those who aim high.

* 成功是一分天賦加九分努力,拼搏是使出全力去追尋,不管結果如何,至少拼過!Success is the result of天賦加九分努力,and hard work, and perseverance is when you give it your all in pursuit of something. No matter what the outcome, at least you have tried your best!

* 我用盡全力去爭取,卻不料最終一敗塗地。這句英文翻譯為:I tried my best to win, but unfortunately I ended up with nothing.

