

Ode to Pursuit

Chase the sun, never give up,

Through the storms, never stop,

Pursuit of dreams, never slacken,

Until the goal, reached with gusto.

Life is a race, never quit,

In the valley, never quit,

Courage to try, never waiver,

In the face of challenge, with fortitude.

Pursue your passion, with unrelenting spirit,

Until the world, acknowledges your strive.

Do not be defeated by the doubt and fear,

But let them fuel you to reach for the sky.

The road may be long and arduous,

With bumps and bruises, every step,

But in the end, the rewards are priceless,

When success beckons, with sweet melodies.

So let us pursue our dreams with courage,

With passion, and persistence, unshaken,

In this journey of life, forever striving,

For the beauty of tomorrow, we're always seeking.
