

* 星星還是那顆星星,但套上圈後卻會變成猴子了。Star or that star, but put on a ring will become a monkey.

* 曾經很美,但是時間永遠都是翻臉比翻書還快,現在很醜,但是時間告訴我,你還會更醜。Once very beautiful, but time always makes a face faster than turning pages in a book, now very ugly, but time tells me that you will be even uglier.

* 我若在你心上,斯冥之中結輪迴。你若在我心上,無言之地當笑顏。If I am in your heart, I will create a reincarnation in the midst of infinity. If you are in my heart, there will be laughter in the silent place.

* 請不要說我變了,因為我沒變,就是學會了調節。Please don't say I have changed, because I haven't changed at all. I just learned to adjust.

* 千萬不要在一件事上死磕,一定要學會轉身!Never stick to something that doesn't work. You must learn to turn around!

* 人生就像打電話,不是你先掛就是我先掛!Life is like making a phone call. It's either you hang up first or I will.

* 人生就像打電話,遲早要掛的!Life is like making a phone call. You have to hang up sooner or later.

* 如果你註定不能拿冠軍,那就少攬點兒責任吧!If you are destined to not win the championship, then take less responsibility!

* 當你覺得累的時候,你就在辦公室里放一個枕頭,那就是你的全世界。When you feel tired, put a pillow in the office, and that is your whole world.

* 為什麼我們都把婚前說成「蜜月」,婚後卻說成「回奶」了呢?Why do we refer to pre-marriage as "honeymoon", but post-marriage as "suckling"?"

* 人人都忙於自己的歡喜與悲傷,哪有空顧你的孤獨。Everyone is busy with their own happiness and sorrow,哪有空顧你的孤獨.

* 別因為太過在意別人的看法,而使自己活得畏手畏腳。Don't live in fear because of the opinions of others.**

