

井底之蛙:a frog in a well

葉公好龍:Mr. Ye's Love for Dragons

守株待兔:Waiting for Hare by Sticking to the Tree Stump

畫蛇添足:Drawing a Snake with Feet

掩耳盜鈴:Holding One's Own Ear to Hid the Sound

拔苗助長:Pulling Up Seedlings to Help Them Grow

亡羊補牢:Sheep Lost and Barrier Broken

殺雞取卵:Killing a Hen to Get Her Young

狐假虎威:Fox Borrowing Tiger's Authority

驚弓之鳥:A Bird Terrified of a Shot弓

杯弓蛇影:A Bite from a Bowed Drink and a Snake-like Vision

畫餅充飢:Painting a Pie to Fill the Stomach

龍飛鳳舞:Dragon Soaring and Phoenix Dancing

