

1. May you two keep walking hand in hand throughout a lifetime of happiness. 願你們二人一生攜手,共度幸福。

2. Wishing you two the joy that only comes from being together. 祝你們兩人只有在一起才能享受到的快樂。

3. May your marriage be filled with love and happiness. 願你們的婚姻充滿愛和幸福。

4. May your union be one of love and understanding, and may you both have a lifetime of wonderful memories. 願你們的結合是愛與理解的結合,願你們擁有一個美好的回憶。

5. Congratulations on your wedding, may your life together be filled with joy and happiness. 祝賀你們的婚禮,願你們的生活充滿歡樂和幸福。

6. May your marriage be blessed with love, understanding, and a lifetime of joy. 願你們的婚姻被愛、理解和一生的歡樂所祝福。

7. Best wishes for a lifetime of love and happiness. 祝你們一生幸福,愛情長存。

8. Wishing you both a lifetime of joy and happiness together. 祝你們倆在一起分享一生的歡樂和幸福。
