

* 祝你們婚姻美滿,永浴愛河,白頭偕老,幸福一生。 Congratulations on your marriage, may you both enjoy the love and affection of yourselves forever, grow old together and live a happy life.

* 祝賀你們,願你們的婚姻生活充滿歡樂和諧,願你們的人生之路永遠光明。 Best wishes for your marriage filled with joy and harmony, and may your path in life be filled with light forever.

* 祝福你們的新婚生活,願每一個清晨和黃昏都洋溢著幸福的微笑,永遠充滿愛與關懷。 Wishing you a life of happiness and love filled with smiles at every sunrise and sunset.

* 祝賀你們,願你們的愛情永恆如新,就像朝陽和星空般璀璨。 Congratulations and may your love forever remain as fresh as the sunrise and the stars in the sky.

