1. 祝你新年快樂,萬事如意。 Wishing you a happy new year and everything goes well.
2. 希望新的一年,所有的希望都能如願,所有的夢想都能實現,所有的期待都能出現,所有的付出都能兌現。 Hope all hopes come true, all dreams come true, all expectations appear, and all efforts are rewarded in the new year.
3. 新年快樂,幸福滿滿。 Happy New Year and filled with happiness.
4. 願新年的每一天都充滿陽光和快樂。 May every day of the new year be filled with sunshine and happiness.
5. 新年快樂,萬事順遂。 May all your wishes come true and everything go smoothly in the New Year.
6. 新年到,福氣到,祝福朋友新年好。 Wishing you happiness and good luck in the New Year.
7. 新年快樂!願你在新的一年裡一切順心如意。 Have a wonderful new year and all your wishes come true!