

* 祝福你在新的一年裡新年快樂,萬事如意! Happy Chinese New Year and all the best in the coming year!

* 新春佳節,福氣綿長,幸福久遠! Chinese New Year is filled with good fortune and happiness that lasts for generations.

* 恭祝新春,萬事如意,笑口常開! Wishing you a wonderful Chinese New Year filled with happiness and success!

* 恭祝新春,步步高升,財源廣進! Wishing you a Chinese New Year filled with opportunities for success and prosperity!

* 新春到,福氣到,喜氣洋洋過大年! Chinese New Year has come and with it, joy and happiness for a wonderful celebration!

* 新春吉祥,健康如意,步步高升! May you have a wonderful Chinese New Year filled with health, happiness, and success!
