

* 旅行是生活的詩和遠方。 Traveling is like poetry and distant life.

* 旅行的目的就是為了擺脫厭倦,被舒適區束縛的生活。 The purpose of traveling is to get rid of tiredness and a life bound by comfort zone.

* 每一次旅行都是一個新的開始。 Every journey is a new beginning.

* 讓我們背上背包,去看不同的世界。 Let's pack our backpack and see a different world.

* 去感受那些你從未感受過的風景和人文吧。 Feel the scenery and culture that you have never felt before.

* 旅行不僅僅是目的地,更重要的是過程。 Traveling is not only about the destination, but more importantly, the process.

* 去體驗一次從未有過的旅行,遇見未知的自己。 Experience a trip you've never had before and meet the unknown version of yourself.

* 去擁抱這個世界吧,世界會回饋你無盡的好奇與新鮮。 Embrace the world, and the world will reward you with endless curiosity and freshness.

