

* 旅行是對平淡生活的一次逃離。[Travel is an escape from ordinary life.]

* 背起行囊,說走就走,去一個人少僻靜的角落,看那沒有看過的風景。[Pick up the bag, and take off for a quiet corner where there are fewer people, to see the scenery I haven't seen.]

* 旅行不止是一種生活方式,它還是一次精神的探索,一次生命的重新認識,一次靈魂的洗禮和一次性靈的放飛。[Travel is not only a way of life, but also a spiritual exploration, a re-understanding of life, a baptism of soul and a release of spirituality.]

* 旅行是一種學習,學習如何適應不同環境,學習如何與他人交流,學習如何獨立思考,學習如何享受生活。[Travel is a form of learning, learning how to adapt to different environments, learning how to communicate with others, learning how to think independently, and learning how to enjoy life.]

* 旅行讓你看到更過去的自己,看到更大的世界,看到更多的可能性和希望。[Travel allows you to see a more past version of yourself, a bigger world, and more possibilities and hope.]

* 人生就像一場旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎的只是沿途的風景和看風景的心情。[Life is like a journey, it's not about the destination, but about the scenery along the way and the mood while taking in the scenery.]
