


1. 長城(The Great Wall):

長城是中國最著名的旅遊景點之一,也是世界上最偉大的建築之一。它蜿蜒於群山之間,見證了中國古代的偉大歷史。英文可以這樣描述:「The Great Wall, a well-known tourist attraction in China, is also one of the greatest buildings in the world. It winds its way through the mountains, witnessing the great history of ancient China.」

2. 巴黎(Paris):

巴黎是法國的首都和文化中心,擁有許多著名的博物館、藝術館和歷史建築。艾菲爾鐵塔、羅浮宮和聖母院是巴黎的標誌性建築,吸引著來自世界各地的遊客。可以這樣描述:「Paris, the capital and cultural center of France, boasts many famous museums, art galleries, and historical buildings. The Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Notre-Dame Cathedral are the iconic buildings that attract tourists from all over the world.」

3. 亞馬遜雨林(The Amazon Rainforest):

亞馬遜雨林是世界上最大的熱帶雨林,也是動植物種類最豐富的地區之一。這裡擁有許多獨特的植物和動物,還有壯觀的瀑布和峽谷。可以這樣描述:「The Amazon Rainforest, the largest tropical rainforest in the world, is also one of the most biodiverse regions. It is home to many unique plants and animals, as well as breathtaking waterfalls and canyons.」

