

* 獻上節日的問候,願你在這一年裡得到無限的快樂。 Wishing you a wonderful holiday season. May your year be filled with joy.* 願快樂永遠與你相伴! May happiness be with you always!

* 寄上一份你的思念,送上對你這美好的祝願,願你有一種溫馨的氛圍,有一種歡樂的祝願。 Send my best wishes for a wonderful season and a joyous New Year!

* 願你擁有無盡的快樂,願你的日子過得幸福美滿。 Wishing you endless happiness and a fulfilling life.

* 願你度過最美好的時光,每天都有好心情。 Wishing you the best of times and a joyful day every day.

* 希望你在新的一年裡事業有成,幸福安康。 I hope your business prospers and your life is filled with happiness in the new year.

* 祝福你一生平安! Wishing you a lifetime of peace and happiness!
