

1. Warm heart, warm hands, let's do something good together.(暖心暖手,一起做好事)

2. Be there for you, like the sunshine at the end of a rainbow.(一直在你身邊,就像雨後的陽光)

3. You are my shoulder to lean on, my strength when I'm weak.(你是我依靠的肩膀,是我脆弱時的力量)

4. You are my forever friend, and I am glad that you are in my life.(你是我永遠的朋友,我很高興你出現在我的生命里)

5. Words cannot express how much you mean to me, but I hope you know how much I appreciate you.(言語無法表達你的重要性,但我希望你知道我有多麼感激你)

6. You brighten up my day with your smile, and I am grateful for your presence.(你用微笑照亮了我的一天,我感激你的存在)

7. I hope that no matter what happens, you always have someone who cares about you.(我希望無論發生什麼,你總會有一個關心你的人)

