1. 兵在精而不在於多,將在勇而不在懼。
The army is excellent not in its size but in its quality, and the general is brave not in fear but without fear.
2. 臨陣之際,若見死生榮辱,繫於一髮,每思投鼠忌器,不敢造次,則生死之理,志士仁人,庶不至相率而冒昧從事耳。
At the moment of the battle, if one sees that life and death, honor and disgrace are all hanging in the balance, one should always remember to be cautious, like hitting a rat with a rod but not using it recklessly. Only in this way can loyal and righteous people, who are determined to do their best, not rush into things recklessly.
3. 天下事有難易乎?為之,則難者亦易矣;不為,則易者亦難矣。
Is there difficulty or ease in the world? If you try to do it, the difficult things will become easy. If you don't try to do it, even the easy things will become difficult.