會考英文作文題目past paper

會考的英文作文題目past paper可以參考以下題目:

1. "What are the benefits of technology in education?"

2. "How can we improve our mental health?"

3. "Should students be allowed to work part-time during school?"

4. "What are the challenges facing the development of technology?"

5. "How can we make our environment more sustainable?"

6. "What are the benefits of exercise?"

7. "Should schools have more or less strict rules for student behavior?"

8. "What are the challenges facing international students?"

9. "What are the differences between virtual reality and real life experiences?"

10. "How can we promote the use of renewable energy sources?"


以上就是【會考英文作文題目past paper】的相關內容,敬請閱讀。