

1. 馬丁·路德·金: "Nothing will end if we continue to do the right thing. "

2. 傑克·韋爾奇: "You're only given a lifetime to do things. You must do 100% of it well."

3. 約翰·列儂: "You can't buy me love, but you can buy me work."

4. 威廉·愛德華·戴明: "Excellence is not a skill, it's a habit."

5. 瑪麗·居里: "We are not divided by our differences, but united by our common challenges."

6. 亞伯拉罕·林肯: "I will try."

7. 理察·布蘭森: "Be bold."

8. 安東尼·羅賓斯: "Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything."

