1. 朋友是悲傷時光里的一股春風,它輕撫著你的臉龐,為你拭去眼角的淚水。 Friend is a spring breeze in sad times. It caresses your face and wipes away tears from your eyes.
2. 朋友是生命的叢林,是心靈歇腳的驛站,是收藏心事的寓所,是儲蓄感情的行囊。 Friend is a forest in life, a stop for the soul, a house for storing thoughts, and a sack for storing emotions.
3. 真正的朋友不把友誼掛在口上,他們並不為了友誼而互相要求一點什麼,而是彼此為對方做一切辦得到的事。 A true friend doesn't hang friendship on his lips. They don't ask for anything for each other in friendship, but rather do everything they can for each other.
4. 朋友不是書,它比書更絢麗;朋友不是歌,它比歌更動聽;朋友應該是詩,有詩的飄逸才更美麗。 A friend is not a book, it is more beautiful than a book; a friend is not a song, it is more melodious than a song; a friend should be a poem, with the grace of poetry, it is more beautiful.
5. 朋友是夏天的樹陰,為你送來一片清涼;朋友是人生中的風景,沒有他旅途便黯然失色。 A friend is like a shady tree in summer, bringing you a cool breeze; a friend is like a beautiful scenery in life, without him the journey would be dim.