1. A friend is a second self. 朋友是另一個自我。
2. A true friend is known by his actions. 行為見真情。
3. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患難見真交。
4. Friendship is like a fine wine. 友誼就像陳年美酒。
5. A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 沒有朋友的生活就像生活沒有了太陽。
6. Friendship is like playing the piano. You must keep on touching it to preserve its effects. 友誼就像彈鋼琴,要一直不斷地彈,才能奏出它的效果。
7. A friend without faults will never be found. 沒有缺點的朋友是永遠找不到的。
8. A friend to all, a brother to none. 濫交友者,不重情義。
9. A man is known by his friends, as he is by his glass. 人的本性在朋友身上體現,就像通過鏡子看清了自己。
10. Love and friendship are like shadowy companions; the one always accompanying the other, but not always visible. 愛和友誼如同形影不離的夥伴一樣,彼此伴隨,但不是一直可見。