

* 朋友是路,家是樹。你走得再遠,家就是你的港灣,永遠的燈塔,永遠的歸宿。 Friends are the road, and home is the tree. No matter how far you walk, home is your harbor, an eternal beacon, and a permanent destination.

* 朋友不是書,它比書更絢麗;朋友不是歌,它比歌更動聽;朋友應該是詩,有詩的飄逸,有詩的執著。 Friends are not books, they are more beautiful than books; friends are not songs, they are more melodious than songs; friends should be poems, with the grace and persistence of poetry.

* 朋友,我們兩個人,一個歡樂,一個知己,都是夢寐以求的。 Friends, you and I, one brings joy, the other a confidant. Both are a dream come true.

* 即使是一顆平平淡淡的花朵,也需要綠葉的陪伴,才能讓它在燦爛的陽光下綻放。 Even a plain and simple flower needs the company of leaves to bloom in the bright sunshine.

* 朋友是雨衣,就算自己淋雨了,也不會去借別人的衣服。 Friends are like raincoats, even if you get wet yourself, you won't borrow someone else's clothes.

* 朋友不是先來的人或者認識最久的人,而是那個來了以後再也沒有走的人。 Friends are not those who come first or have known longest, but those who come and stay forever after arriving.
