1. 穿戴服裝。
Clothes are worn.
2. 他的外表與其衣服極不相稱。
His appearance is at odds with his clothing.
3. 她身上的衣服時髦極了。
The clothes on her body are super stylish.
4. 穿著華麗服裝。
Dressed in fancy clothes.
5. 穿著時髦的服裝。
Dressed in trendy clothes.
6. 他的服裝令人眼花繚亂。
His clothing is dazzling.
7. 他的服裝十分時髦。
His clothing is very trendy.
8. 他的服裝總是最時髦的。
His clothing is always the most fashionable.
9. 她的服飾光彩照人。
Her attire shines brightly.
10. 她的衣服裝飾華麗。
Her clothes are adorned with luxurious decorations.