

* 最好的衣服是自信,最美的容顏是微笑。

The best clothes are self-confidence, the most beautiful face is a smile.

* 不管你穿什麼樣的衣服,內在美才是最重要的。

No matter what clothes you wear, inner beauty is the most important.

* 最好的服裝就是自信,最美的氣質是優雅。

The best clothing is self-confidence, and the most beautiful temperament is elegant.

* 無論你穿什麼樣的衣服,都應該以舒適為主。

No matter what clothes you wear, you should focus on comfort.

* 不要過於在意自己的穿著,最重要的是內心的自信和修養。

Don't be too concerned about your clothing, the most important thing is inner confidence and cultivation.
