

1. "Your刮鬍子之前應該先知道,你的臉是你的刮鬍子的地方。"

"You should know before shaving that your face is the place where you shave."

2. "教育是給予一種學問,不是去學做一件東西。"

"Education is to impart a knowledge, not to learn how to make something."

3. "我認為能夠預測未來的人通常就是現在做未來準備的人。"

"I believe that people who can predict the future are usually those who prepare for it now."

4. "同情心和仁慈的心總是對成功的溝通起作用,因此一個有天賦的人和一個不是非常聰明的的人應該記住這一點。"

"Compassion and kindness always work in successful communication, so a talented person and a not very intelligent person should remember this."

5. "任何事情都不應該阻止那些有決心的人去追求他們的夢想。"

"Nothing should prevent those who are determined from pursuing their dreams."

6. "民有、民治、民享的政府是唯一可能的政府形式。"

"Government of the people, by the people, for the people, is the only government that is possible."

