柴郡貓(Cheshire Cat)是英國作家路易斯·卡羅爾(Lewis Carroll)的童話作品《愛麗絲漫遊奇境》(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)中的虛構角色。以下是一些柴郡貓的語錄:
1. 「吃了我吧!」(「Eat me!」)
2. 「如果你消失,我會感到非常寂寞。」(「If you disappear, I shall be very sad.」)
3. 「你知道的,我總是保持著微笑,因為我知道,即使在最糟糕的時刻,也總有好事發生。」(「You see, I always look like I am smiling, because I know that even in the worst of times, something wonderful always happens.」)
4. 「你知道嗎,如果你在森林裡迷路了,你只需要看著我,我會帶你走出森林。」(「Do you know that if you get lost in the forest, you just look at me and I will lead you out of the forest.」)
5. 「你看,我們不是還在森林裡嗎?」(「Look, we’re still in the forest, aren』t we?」)