棟篤笑(Dong Duzi Xiao)是香港的一種喜劇形式,類似於單口相聲。以下是一些棟篤笑金句:
1. 「我哋香港人,有咩唔同啊?」(Our Hong Kongers are different from what?)
2. 「你哋啲人好易受騙喔!」(You guys are so easy to fool!)
3. 「你哋啲人好有趣啊!」(You guys are so interesting!)
4. 「我真係好開心!好多謝啲見證人!」(I am so happy! Thank you to all the witnesses!)
5. 「咪係,開個唔好嬲嘅心肝靈魂咁,再走咗啦!」(Just put aside all the bad feelings and let go!)
6. 「飲咗酒唔好意思,我係一個很怕酒嘅人!」(After drinking, I am sorry, but I am a person who is very afraid of alcohol!)
7. 「你啲人好聰明啊!」(You guys are so smart!)
8. 「你啲人生好有規律啊!」(Your life is so organized!)
9. 「你啲人生好冇規律啊!」(Your life is so chaotic!)