

1. "The best way to predict the future is to create it."(預測未來的最好方式就是創造未來。)

2. "Tragedy is when life smiles one way, while the soul weeps another."(悲劇是當生命笑容燦爛,而靈魂卻在哭泣。)

3. "If you pretend to be something, eventually you'll become it."(如果你試圖成為某樣東西,最終你將變成它。)

4. "We are all characters in a giant television show, and the audience is the world."(我們都是一齣巨型電視劇的主角,而觀眾就是全世界。)

5. "If you look through a camera at yourself, you see a hero. But if you look at yourself through the eyes of others, you see a clown."(如果你從相機鏡頭看自己,你看到的是一個英雄。但是如果你從他人的眼睛看自己,你看到的是一個小丑。)

6. "It's only a dream if you say so."(如果說了是夢,那它就只是一場夢。)

