

* 2022年:我們如何評估自己(How we evaluate ourselves)

參考範文:We should not only rely on our achievements, but also on our efforts and progress. We should not only look at our strengths, but also at our weaknesses. By doing so, we can better understand ourselves and improve ourselves.

* 2021年:我們應該相信科技(Should we trust technology?)

參考範文:Technology has brought us many benefits, but it also has some drawbacks. Therefore, we should carefully consider whether we should trust technology and whether it is safe and reliable.

* 2020年:我們是否應該追求完美(Should we strive for perfection?)

參考範文:Perfection is a goal that we should pursue, but it is also a difficult one. We should not only pursue perfection, but also accept our flaws and imperfections. By doing so, we can be more content with ourselves and achieve our goals more easily.

* 2019年:我為家庭做出的貢獻(My contribution to my family)

參考範文:I may not have done anything significant for my family, but I try my best to care for them and make their lives easier. I may not be able to provide them with material wealth, but I can offer them my time, attention, and support.

* 2018年:是追求樂趣重要還是追求成功重要(Is it more important to pursue fun or success?)

參考範文:Pursuing success and happiness are important aspects of life, but we should also not neglect the importance of having fun and enjoying ourselves. Therefore, it is important to strike a balance between pursuing success and happiness and enjoying ourselves while doing so.

