毛主席語錄english version


1. 「星星之火,可以燎原。」 (Even a small spark can ignite a vast conflagration.)

2. 「沒有調查就沒有發言權。」 (Without investigation, there is no right to speak.)

3. 「民眾是真正的英雄。」 (The masses are the true heroes.)

4. 「好好學習,天天向上。」 (Study well, make progress day by day.)

5. 「發展體育運動,增強人民體質。」 (Developing physical sports and enhancing the physical fitness of the people.)

6. 「讓哲學從哲學家的課堂上和書本里解放出來,變為民眾手裡的尖銳武器。」 (Free philosophy from the classrooms and books of philosophers, and turn it into a sharp weapon in the hands of the masses.)

7. 「戰爭什麼時候開始,是敵人的事情,我們不感興趣,但是如何結束,就完全是我們的事情了。」 (When the war starts is the enemy's business, we are not interested. But when it ends is entirely our business.)


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