

1. 星星之火,可以燎原:A spark ignites a vast field.

2. 槍桿子裡面出政權:Power comes from the barrel of a gun.

3. 一切反動派都是紙老虎:All reactionaries are paper tigers.

4. 東方不亮西方亮:There will be light where there is no light in the east.

5. 哪裡有壓迫,哪裡就有反抗:Where there is oppression, there will be resistance.

6. 人民,只有人民,才是創造世界歷史的動力:Only the people, the masses of the people, are the driving force that creates world history.

7. 只有讓人民來監督政府,政府才能不敢鬆懈。只有人人起來負責,才不會人亡政息。:Only by letting the people supervise the government can the government not slack off. Only when everyone takes responsibility can governance not perish as people die.

8. 我們共產黨人好比種子,人民好比土地。我們到了一個地方,就要同那裡的人民結合起來,在人民中間生根、開花。:As communists, we are like seeds, and the people are like the soil. Whenever we arrive in a new place, we should integrate ourselves with the local people, taking root and blooming among them.

