

1. "The law cannot be all wise and all equal, but its aim must be wisdom and equity." - Abraham Lincoln, American President

2. "Justice is the ultimate aim of legal procedure." - Lord Justice Halifax

3. "The law respects the person, not the circumstances of the person." - Chief Justice Roberts, US Supreme Court

4. "It is the mark of a true gentleman to remember what is due to his neighbour, whether it be due by word or by act, as often as he sees or hears him." - William Blackstone, English Jurist

5. "Law is order, and justice is its conscience." - Soviet Law Professor Koldunov

6. "The duty of the law is to punish guilt, not to reward virtue." - John Stuart Mill, English Philosopher

7. "The duty of the law is to protect everyone from the arbitrary actions of others." - Judge Antonin Scalia, US Supreme Court

8. "The purpose of law is not merely to achieve justice, but to create and maintain social order." - Justice Potter Stewart, US Supreme Court

9. "The law is a stern mother, but she loves you." - Chinese Legal Scholar Wang Yongping

10. "The law is a sword that should be used with caution and wisdom." - Chinese Legal Scholar Li Yongping.
