* 願新生如詩,沐浴在愛的祝福里。* May you be baptized into a new life, bathed in the blessings of love.
* 接受洗禮,開啟新的人生篇章。* Receive your baptism and open a new chapter in your life.
* 願洗禮的聖水洗淨你生命的塵埃,賜予你神聖的恩典。* May the baptismal waters wash away the dust of life and grant you divine grace.
* 願洗禮成為你生命的新開始。* May the baptism be a new beginning in your life.
* 願洗禮成為你新的信仰,新的生活態度。* May the baptism become a new faith and a new way of living for you.
* 願你在洗禮中洗淨一切污穢,開啟聖潔的人生。* May you be cleansed of all filthiness in baptism and open a holy life.