

1. "I'm a dreamer, too. I dream big and bold, and I pursue them relentlessly."(「我也是一個夢寐以求的人。我夢想著大膽而雄偉的夢想,並無畏地追求它。」)

2. "Life is like a roller coaster. You have to learn to enjoy the ups and downs."(「生活就像過山車。你必須學會享受起起伏伏。」)

3. "The key to success is not what you are capable of doing, but what you are determined to do."(「成功的關鍵不在於你的能力,而在於你的決心。」)

4. "If you're passionate about something, pursue it with all your might."(「如果你對某件事充滿熱情,那就盡全力去追求它。」)

5. "I am confident, because I am me."(「我自信,因為我就是我。」)

6. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."(「生活就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道你將得到什麼。」)

7. "Believe in yourself, and everything else will fall into place."(「相信自己,其他的一切都會順利。」)

