

* 當你真心渴望某樣東西時,整個宇宙都會聯合起來幫助你完成。 When you really want something with all your heart, the whole universe will come together to help you achieve it.

* 當你想要某種美好感覺時,你就一定會感受到它。 When you want a beautiful feeling, you will definitely feel it.

* 當你真心渴望某樣東西的時候,整個宇宙都會聯合起來幫助你。 When you truly desire something, the whole universe will come together to help you.

* 不要為明天煩惱,因為明天總是帶來太多不確定性。 Worrying about tomorrow only brings too much uncertainty.

* 如果你能追隨自己的內心,那麼所有事情都會各得其所。 If you can follow your heart, all things will fall into place.

* 在追逐夢想的過程中,我們會不斷地穿越自己為自己設定的障礙。 In the process of chasing our dreams, we constantly cross the obstacles we set for ourselves.

* 有時你必須放手,才能明白一切都是值得的。 Sometimes you have to let go to understand that everything is worth it.

* 在世界上的某個角落,肯定有一個地方存在你自己的夢想,它可能等待你去發現。 Somewhere in the world, there must be a place with your own dream waiting to be discovered.

