

1. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and joy! 祝願你一生幸福快樂!

2. Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful baby! 祝賀你添了一個可愛的小寶寶!

3. What beautiful news of a new baby on the way! 聽說有新寶寶了真是好訊息啊!

4. A new baby is a blessing from God. Congratulations! 新生兒的誕生是上帝給我們的禮物,祝賀你!

5. May all the happiness and joy of the world be with you and your new baby! 願你和你的新寶寶充滿世界上所有的幸福和快樂!

6. A new baby is always a cause for celebration. Congratulations! 新生嬰兒總是值得慶祝的,祝賀你!
