

* 願你每一個今天都過得比昨天好,每一天都勝過往昔。

May each day today be better than yesterday, and every moment today be sweeter than any moment before.

* 願你的生日充滿無窮快樂,願新的一年充滿幸福和成功。

May your birthday be filled with endless joy, and may the new year be filled with happiness and success.

* 願你的生命永遠絢爛,不斷閃耀,直到永遠。

May your life shine forever, shine brightly and brilliantly until forever.

* 生日快樂,願你今後的生活一帆風順,萬事如意。

Happy birthday, may all your future life be filled with smooth sailing and good luck.

* 祝你生日快樂,願你的夢想成真,一切順利。

Happy birthday to you, may all your dreams come true and everything go smoothly.
