

* 願你每一年的每一天都充滿快樂,生命無比精彩。Happy birthday to you! May every day be filled with joy and life be filled with excitement and wonder for you.

* 祝你的生日充滿歡笑,願你的笑容常掛嘴邊。Wishing your birthday is filled with laughter and your smile is always bright.

* 願你的每一個願望都能實現,願你的每一個夢想都能成真。May all your wishes come true and all your dreams come true on this special day.

* 祝你年年歲歲花相似,歲歲年年人不同。Happy birthday to you! May the flowers repeat their beauty and the years pass gently for you.

* 生日的蠟燭照亮你前進的道路,願你事事順心,夢想成真。The candles on your birthday cake illuminate the path ahead for you, wishing you all the best in everything you do and all your dreams come true.

