

1. 毛澤東 (Mao Zedong):The Great Leader.

2. 鄧小平 (Deng Xiaoping):The Father of China's Modernization.

3. 孔子 (Confucius):The founder of Confucianism and an influential philosopher in ancient China.

4. 姚明 (Yao Ming):The famous basketball player in China and the face of Chinese basketball.

5. 成龍 (Jackie Chan):One of the most popular Hong Kong actors in the world, known for his action films.

6. 趙本山 (Zhao Benshan):A popular comedian and performer in China, known for his humorous sketches and variety shows.

7. 劉翔 (Liu Xiang):The famous Chinese runner who broke many world records and became a symbol of Chinese sports.

