

1. 「祝你在異國他鄉學業有成,一切順利!」

"Wish you success in your studies and a smooth journey in a foreign land!"

2. 「願你在新的環境中茁壯成長,學業進步!」

"May you thrive in the new environment and make progress in your studies!"

3. 「祝你在留學的日子裡,收穫滿滿,前程似錦!」

"Wish you abundant achievements and a bright future in your study abroad!"

4. 「願你的留學生活充滿樂趣和挑戰,學業有成!」

"May your study abroad experience be filled with fun and challenges, and you achieve academic success!"

5. 「祝你留學順利,早日學成歸來!」

"Wish you a smooth journey and return home soon, learned and accomplished!"

6. 「願你在留學的路上,勇往直前,收穫滿滿!」

"May you move forward bravely in your study abroad journey and achieve plenty!"

