Once upon a time in a magical land, there was a beautiful young princess named Snow White. She lived with her mother the Queen, who was very kind and loving. One day, the Queen passed away and left Snow White an orphan. After a while, a new Queen arrived and she was not kind at all. She was jealous of Snow White's beauty and decided to make her life miserable.
The new Queen asked sevendwarfs for help, and they agreed to look after Snow White. The dwarfs taught her how to work hard and how to be brave, and they taught her how to survive in the forest. Snow White became very close to the dwarfs and they loved her very much.
One day, the evil Queen disguised herself as a beggar and tried to poison Snow White with a poisoned apple. But Snow White was too brave and she refused to eat it. The dwarfs found her and saved her from the poison.
After that, Snow White became even more beautiful and kind-hearted. She married a handsome prince who saved her from a dangerous dragon, and they lived happily ever after.
The new Queen, who was really a wicked witch, ended up regretting her actions and she disappeared from the land. She was never seen again, and Snow White and her prince lived happily ever after.