

1. Best wishes. 最美好的祝願。

2. Wishing you happiness for the holidays and throughout the New Year. 祝節日和新年快樂。

3. May all the wishes come true for you. 願一切美好的祝願都能成為現實。

4. Have a wonderful time, and all things will go your way. 祝你度過一段美好的時光,一切都會順利。

5. Good luck, joy and great success in your new endeavor. 祝你在新的工作上好運、快樂、並取得巨大的成功。

6. Wishing you a world of happiness and love without any sorrow. 祝你擁有一個充滿幸福和愛意的世界。

7. All the best wishes to you for everything wonderful! 祝你一切美好!

8. I hope all your dreams come true in the coming year. 希望你的所有夢想在新的一年裡都能實現。

9. Wishing you a world of 「happiness, health and love」 for you and your family. 祝你和你的家人擁有一個充滿「幸福、健康和愛」的世界。

