

1. 「Wishing you peace, joy, and happiness all throughout the New Year.」(願你新的一年裡充滿安寧、歡樂和幸福。)

2. 「May the joy and laughter fill your life this year more than ever before.」(願今年的歡樂和歡笑比以往任何時候都更多。)

3. 「Happy Birthday to you, filled with love and good wishes.」(生日快樂,滿載著愛和美好的祝願。)

4. 「All the best, health, happiness and success in the New Year.」(新的一年裡,身體健康,幸福快樂,事業有成。)

5. 「Wishing you a world of peace, love, and light.」(願你擁有一個充滿和平、愛與光明的世界。)

6. 「May all your dreams come true in this New Year.」(願你在新的一年裡所有的夢想都能成真。)

7. 「Sending you all my love and best wishes for a wonderful New Year.」(向你傳遞我所有的愛,以及新年的最美好祝願。)

