1. 「如果你知道去哪裡,全世界都會為你讓路。(If you know where to go, the world will make way for you.)」
2. 「如果我有軟弱的一面,那也只是因為那些值得我珍惜的人。(If I have a weakness, it's only for those who deserve me.)」
3. 「即使世界拒絕我,我仍然會拒絕黑暗,我仍然會用光明照亮世界。(Even if the world rejects me, I will still reject darkness, and I will illuminate the world with light.)」
4. 「我有力量,我有責任,我有自由去保護我所愛的人。(I have strength, I have a responsibility, and I have the freedom to protect the ones I love.)」
5. 「在絕對的黑暗中,光明是最強大的力量。(In absolute darkness, light is the most powerful force.)」
6. 「別讓恐懼和恐懼感左右你,你的心靈是所有能力之源,信任它。」("Don't let fear and doubt guide you; your mind is the source of all power, trust it.")