

1. 《灰姑娘》(Cinderella):Cinderella是一個貧窮的女孩,她每天都要做家務和照顧她的繼母和姐妹們。儘管她很勤勞,但她仍然受到不公平的待遇。然而,她最終遇到了王子並成為他的新娘。

英文簡介:Cinderella is a poor girl who works hard every day to take care of her stepmother and sisters. Despite her hard work, she still receives unfair treatment. But eventually, she meets a prince and becomes his wife.

2. 《小紅帽》(Little Red Riding Hood):Little Red Riding Hood是一個非常可愛的女孩,她戴著紅色的帽子和紅色的大圍裙。一天,她去給住在森林裡的祖母送食物,但不幸被狼跟蹤。在故事中,她通過聰明才智成功地逃脫了狼並最終安全地到達了祖母的家。

英文簡介:Little Red Riding Hood is a very cute girl who wears a red hat and a big red apron. One day, she goes to deliver food to her grandmother who lives in the forest, but unfortunately she gets followed by a wolf. In the story, she manages to escape the wolf and gets to her grandmother's house safely through cleverness.

3. 《睡美人》(Sleeping Beauty):這是一個經典的故事,描述了一位公主在夢中與一位英俊的王子相遇並相愛,但在醒來時卻意外地沉睡,直到一位勇敢的騎士救了她並把她帶到王子身邊。

英文簡介:Sleeping Beauty is a classic story about a princess who falls in love with a handsome prince in a dream, but when she wakes up, she falls into a deep sleep until a brave knight saves her and brings her to the prince.

4. 《白雪公主》(Snow White):這是一個關於一個美麗的女孩白雪公主被繼母虐待,但在七個小矮人的幫助下最終找到真愛並成為王后的故事。

英文簡介:Snow White is a beautiful girl who is abused by her stepmother, but with the help of seven dwarves, she eventually finds true love and becomes queen.

5. 《阿里巴巴和四十大盜》(Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves):這是一個關於一個聰明的商人阿里巴巴通過智勇雙全戰勝一群盜賊的故事。

英文簡介:Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves is a story about an intelligent merchant Ali Baba who overcomes a group of thieves with cleverness and bravery.
