* 愛情就像一顆小種子,需要精心的呵護和培養,才能茁壯成長。 Love is like a tiny seed, it needs careful nurturing and cultivation to grow strong.
* 愛情不是尋找共同之處,而是學會尊重差異。 Love is not about finding things in common, but about learning to respect differences.
* 你是我眼中的星辰,照亮了我人生的路。 You are the stars in my eyes, lighting the way in my life.
* 我願意用我的整個生命,來換取你一個溫暖的微笑。 I would give my whole life, just to交換 for one warm smile from you.
* 在你身上,我找到了自由的味道,讓我覺得整個世界都變得新鮮有趣。 I can feel the scent of freedom in you, making me feel that the whole world has become fresh and interesting.
* 我對你的愛,就像天空一樣廣闊無垠,深如大海一樣深沉無盡。 My love for you is as boundless as the sky, and as deep as the sea.
* 我只想和你一起慢慢變老,直到生命的最後一刻。 I just want to grow old together with you, until the last moment of our lives.