
故事名:彩虹貓Rainbow Cat







故事翻譯: Once upon a time, there was a colorful cat named Rainbow Cat. It had a rainbow-like multicolored coat that was particularly eye-catching. Rainbow Cat was very smart and liked exploring the surrounding world on sunny days.

One day, Rainbow Cat discovered a beautiful lake in the forest. The lake reflected the sunlight and formed a beautiful rainbow on the surface. Rainbow Cat was deeply attracted by this beauty and decided to play by the lake.

It jumped into the water and enjoyed the cool water and embrace of the sun. Suddenly, Rainbow Cat found that there was also a rainbow cat in the lake, with a colorful coat just like its own. This rainbow cat was very friendly, and they quickly became best friends.

They played by the lake, chasing butterflies, catching small fish, and enjoying the beautiful rainbow together. Rainbow Cat spent many happy times together, cherishing this friendship.

However, one day, a storm was approaching, and the rainbow would soon disappear. Rainbow Cat decided to protect the beautiful lake together and prevent it from being damaged. They used stones to surround the lake and built a small house made of branches to shield themselves from the wind and rain.

When the rainbow appeared again, all the small animals around the lake cheered. Rainbow Cat looked at each other, feeling very proud and satisfied. From then on, they have been protecting this lake, until forever.
