
故事標題:The Adventures of a Little Stone

Once upon a time, there was a little stone that lived in a quiet valley. He had always been there, feeling small and insignificant, until one day, his life changed dramatically.

One bright sunny morning, a stream came rushing through the valley, sparkling and splashing as it went. The little stone heard the sound of the water and was curious to see what it was. As he watched, the water carried a shiny object with it and it landed gently next to him.

The little stone looked at the shiny object closely and saw that it was himself - a crystallizer. It could turn anything into a crystal, and it happened to like stones.

Now, the little stone had always longed to be a crystal, to be beautiful and sparkly like the other stones in the valley. So he quickly agreed to be turned into a crystal by the crystallizer.

And so, in an instant, the little stone became a sparkling crystal, floating gently in the sunshine. He could now see himself as beautiful and admired by all the other stones in the valley.

However, as he began to enjoy his new life, he realized that being a crystal was not all it was cracked up to be. He missed the simplicity of his former life as a little stone. He missed the feel of the ground under his feet, the rustling of the trees, and the comfort of being a part of something.

So he decided to return to his former self, and with a few simple words and gestures, he did just that. He transformed back into a little stone, feeling humble and content once again.

And that's how it is with life. We are always changing and growing, but sometimes we need to step back and appreciate what we have before we rush headlong into something new.

That's the story of the little stone who learned that being simple and content is what truly matters in life.

