約翰·列儂(John Lennon)是一位著名的英國搖滾歌手、詞曲作家和樂隊成員,他的名言有很多,以下是一些著名的:
1. "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."(生命在你忙著制定其他計畫時發生。)
2. "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration."(天才就是1%的靈感加上99%的汗水。)
3. "Imagination is more important than knowledge."(想像力比知識更重要。)
4. "You may be the king of the world, but I've been to the moon and back."(你可能是一國之王,但我已經去過月球並返回了。)
5. "The secret to happiness is not to worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will take care of itself."(幸福的秘訣是不要為明天憂慮,明天自然會照顧好自己。)
6. "You don't need to be a genius to understand music, just a heart and a soul."(理解音樂並不需要你是一個天才,只需要一顆心和靈魂。)
7. "The best way to predict the future is to invent it."(預測未來的最好方法就是創造未來。)