

1. 「Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness. 祝願你擁有一個美好的愛情生活。」

2. 「Congratulations on your engagement and future wedding plans. 祝賀你們的訂婚和未來的婚禮計畫。」

3. 「May your marriage be filled with love and joy, and may you both always be happy together.」

4. 「May the love you share grow stronger with each passing day, and may your union bring you both the fulfillment and joy you deserve.」

5. 「Wishing you a lifetime of happiness, togetherness, and love.」

6. 「Best wishes for a lifetime of love and happiness together.」

7. 「Congratulations on your engagement, and may your marriage be filled with joy and love.」

