

1. 稱呼:一般可以簡單寫上「Dear某人」或者「親愛的某某」。

2. 主旨:可以寫「Wedding賀詞」作為主旨,讓讀者一看就知道這是一份結婚賀詞。

3. 正文:首先表達對新人幸福美滿的祝福,然後詳細描述新人的相識經過,讓讀者更加了解新人。最後,用一些美好的祝福語結束賀詞。

4. 結尾和署名:在祝福語結束之後,需要署上自己的名字和祝福日期。


Subject: Wedding賀詞

To my dear friend who is getting married,

I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations on your big day. May you have a lifetime of happiness and love together, and may your love grow stronger with each passing day.

We met when we were young, and through the years, we have shared many happy memories together. I remember how we used to laugh and play, and I will always remember those precious moments. You have been my best friend and have always been there for me when I needed you most.

Now, as you embark on this new chapter in your life together, I would like to offer you my best wishes and hope that you will have a lifetime of love and happiness. May you cherish each other with all your hearts, and may the love that you share continue to grow stronger with each passing day.

With all my love,

[Your Name]


