1. 願你前程似錦,未來可期!(May your future be bright and your future be期待!)
2. 祝你在人生的新篇章中一帆風順,勇往直前!(Wish you a smooth journey in your new chapter of life and keep going forward bravely!)
3. 願你走出大學校門後,能找到一份滿意的工作,擁有一個美好的家庭,實現自己的夢想!(May you find a satisfactory job after leaving the university, have a wonderful family and realize your own dreams!)
4. 畢業不是結束,而是新的開始。願你以嶄新的姿態迎接未來的挑戰!(Graduation is not the end, but a new beginning. Wish you a new beginning to meet the challenges of the future!)
5. 祝你在人生的道路上越走越寬廣,越走越堅定!(Wish you a wider and more confident journey in life!)